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You can use Omni to call a contract on another chain. We call this an xcall.

destChainId, // desintation chain id, e.g. 1 for Ethereum mainnet
to, // contract address on the destination chain
data, // abi encoded calldata, ex abi.encodeWithSignature("foo()")
gasLimit // (optional) gas limit for the call on the destination chain

When receiving an xcall, you can read its context through the current xmsg given your contract implements the XApp helper contract.

xmsg.sourceChainId   // where this xcall came from
xmsg.sender // who sent it (msg.sender of the source xcall)

omni is a reference to the OmniPortal contract. One portal is deployed on each supported chain. To make interacting with the portal easier, inherit from the XApp contract.

Omni is a Cross-Chain Messaging Protocol

Omni is a cross-chain messaging protocol that allows contracts to send and receive messages across different chains. It is a simple and secure way to interact with contracts on other chains.

However, Omni is not a bridge for canonical or native tokens. If you need to move assets between chains, you will need to implement your own bridge (with a transfer token proxy and liquidity for source and destination rollups) or use an existing bridge.