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Omni charges fees for each xcall. These fees are paid synchronously on the source chain, in the chain's native token. For most rollups, this is ETH.

Fee Calculation

Fees are determined by an xcall's destination chain, calldata, and gas limit. You can calculate the fee for an xcall via the XApp.feeFor(...) method.

uint256 fee = feeFor(
destChainId, // destination chain id
data, // abi encoded calldata, ex abi.encodeWithSignature("foo()")
gasLimit // gas limit to enforce on execution

Or, using the default gas limit.

uint256 fee = feeFor(
destChainId, // destination chain id
data, // abi encoded calldata, ex abi.encodeWithSignature("foo()")

Fee Payment

XApp handles calculating and charging fees when making an xcall

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xcall(...) charges fees to your contract by default. To charge users for fees, calculate the fee with feeFor(...), and verify msg.value is sufficient.

uint256 fee = feeFor(...)
require(msg.value >= fee, "insufficient fee")

You can calculate this fee off chain, and require users send sufficient xcall fees with each contract call.


In the case of our XGreeter example, the fee may be different for each greeting, because the length of the greeting message is variable. You can calculate this fee offchain by querying the portal directly (via OmniPortal.feeFor(...)). Or, you can introduce a view function on your contract that calculates the fee.

function xgreetFee(uint64 destChainId,  string calldata greeting) external view {
abi.encodeWithSignature("greet(string)", greeting)

For this simple example, this view function is not that helpful. But for xcalls with calldata that depends on other contract state, a view function like this can be very helpful.